a e s t h e t i c
music player

React, Apollo-client, Hasura, GraphQL, Neon, React-Player

a picture of Ian

A music player app, which takes any URL from Youtube or Soundcloud and allows user to play it back via the onscreen controls. Functionality includes the ability to create a playlist from saved songs, and play and delete all as required. Listen to Youtube songs without additional video streaming! Hooks used include useState, useEffect, useRef, useContext, useReducer. State is managed using a combination of context and useReducer. Local state for the queue/playlist is managed with local storage.

The app was created from an outdated spec for a React course. It proved a tricky but fun introduction to GraphQL and Apollo-Client. The original specs were out-of-date, so I needed to learn newer versions of Apollo-client and Material UI (and bypass the no-longer-free Heroku tier).